Open Call for all creative people! Send a piece of art in the size of DIN A5 and one piece of art in the exact size of 85mm x 55mm (portrait) on paper to CASAdelDRAGON, Las Parras 19, 12578 Cervera del Maestre, Castellon, Spain – Deadline 30. October 2023.
The subject of the exhibition and thus also the subject of the work to be submitted is the homage to a family member who died in 2023. So if you lost a person from your close or extended family circle this year and would like to create a work in the sense of an artistic statement in memory of this person, you are cordially invited to send this work. The following applies: no fees, no curator, no returns. However, EXCLUSIVELY artists with two submitted works can participate, one in DINA A5 and one with the exact dimensions 85×55 mm.
The small works will later be published as part of the ARTSURPRISE project. The larger works will be sealed in a time capsule and embedded in a memorial foundation (with details of the individuals to whom the memento is dedicated). As accompanying information for the documentation of this project we need:
Artist’s first and last name – YOUR NAME
First name and surname of the person from the artist’s family who died in 2023
birthday of that person
date of death of that person
A motto/motto/quote that describes this person…
Photos and other documentation of the progress of this project will be published after the end of the exhibition here! Bookmark this page if you participate and return beginning of December.

My Art