Deadline: 30 November 2023
International Digital Project
No jury, so all contributions and entries will be shown in form of a digital gallery by mid of
December 2023.
The principal question which can and shall be answered: What does climate change really
mean for you?
You may send visual works in postcard size (photos, drawings, paintings, digital works, a.s.o
) or texts with not more than 100 words (lyric, prose, essay, visions, tales, a s.o.). All
languages may be used in the text
Please contribute by email to:
As soon as the digital gallery has been installed by me, you will receive an email with the
respective link to this documentary virtual location and digital gallery.
I look forward to receiving your diverse answers (or further questions?) and creations in due
time but in any case no later than 30 November 2023 by email.

My Art